Saturday, January 24, 2009


This is my director of photography on Health Buzz. Since you make the shots look so good, it's worth all that waiting while you set up groan ;) no seriously, I rather you be the perfectionist that you are. Quality over quantity. The outdoor footage in particular is stunning! thank you, thank you, thank you, Adam :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jojo,

Wow your cameraman has a lovely smile.....would he consent to removing his shades? It would be lovely we could see all his features...he has a very warm smile and he looks a very relaxed...casual person to be around with?

Curious...from Singapore

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    I find blogging quite therapeutic. It gives me a chance to express my thoughts. I'm currently a TV host living in KL and the mother of 3 confused looking pugs! ;) If u have the time, my modelling shots, tap dancing clips, full biography and TV trailers are all on :-)

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